BAMPTD position on the decision of the European Commission to close the infringement proceedings and complaints against Poland, Romania and Slovakia
BAMPTD is a partner of the legislative and executive governance to support the establishment of a regulatory framework protecting the free market principles in the EU, protecting the competition principle and promoting good practices in the distribution of medicines.
Parallel trade - import and export, is a legitimate activity within the common market beneficial to society and is based on the fundamental principles for the functioning of the EU.
The closure of the proceedings against Slovakia, Poland and Romania does not mean that the EC approves the disproportionate restrictions imposed by those Member States. Rather, for us, this decision shows that the political responsibility for implementing and enforcing European legislation is transferred at a national level.
The EC agrees that parallel trade might be one of the reasons for a shortage of some medicinal products, but not the only cause. To analyze at European and national level all possible causes – manufacturing , logistical, commercial and others - is an action that EK and the Member-states have to execute in order to find an effective solution for access to therapy.
BAMPTD believes that the proposed amendments to the Law on Drugs proposed by the Bulgarian authorities are constructive and would contribute to the protection of Bulgarian patients in a transparent and objective manner.
BAMPTD is ready for a dialogue with all stakeholders concerned with access to medicines for the Bulgarian patients. Last week, on June, 8th, 2018, BAMPTD signed a memorandum of cooperation with a Bulgarian patient organization to expand opportunities for parallel imports and fast intracommunity supplies in case of shortages and to provide patients with medicines deregistered due to lack of commercial interest of the producers.