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The parallel distributors that we unite are registered wholesalers and operate in accordance with European and Bulgarian legislation and at the same time fulfill their public commitment honestly, transparently and ethically.

BAMPTD is a co-founder of the Bulgarian Drug Verification Organization - a group of all participants in the drug supply chain for the prevention and fight against counterfeiting of medicines. The introduction of a system for the verification of medicinal products throughout Europe is a key measure to ensure patient safety by preventing the entry of falsified medicinal products into the legal supply chain.

Why is medicine verification important?

Falsified medicines are a growing threat worldwide. To keep them out of the legal distribution chain the pharmaceutical sector has joined forces in developing a verification system that will be able to check whether medicinal products are genuine. The system is intended to comply with the EU’s new requirements for preventing falsified medicinal products and to ensure that patients have authentic medicines.

Legal basis

Directive 2011/62 / EU 

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161

More about the Bulgarian Drug Enforcement Organization

Bulgarian Medicines Verification Organisation (BgMVO) was established on 14 March 2016 in Sofia as a non-profit association to support the implementation in Bulgaria of Directive 2011/62/EU for preventing entry of falsified medicinal products into the legal supply chain. 

The founders of the BgMVO are five organisations representing the stakeholders involved in the manufacturing and distribution of medicines – Association of the Research-based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Generic Pharmaceutical Association, Bulgarian Association of Medicines Parallel Trade Development, Bulgarian Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers and Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Union. 

The main purpose of the BgMVO is to ensure that patients are supplied with authentic medicinal products by building, operating and maintaining an effective drug verification system in the Republic of Bulgaria. BgMVO works in close collaboration with Healthcare authorities in Bulgaria.