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Drugs import is the solution for 53% of the shortage reports shows the first interim BAMPTD Internet platform results

182 signals from the whole country were received and processed on Bulgarian Association for Medicines Parallel Trade Development (BAMPTD) internet platform for 3 months. In 53% of the cases, the solution is in import and fast intra-community supplies, as the signals concern deregistered medicines, products with permanent or temporary suspended import in Bulgaria, shows the interim results of BAMPTD drug shortage analysis. Another main conclusion is that the lack of information generates 65% of the signals. 20% are the cases closed with provided information where the medicine is available, and in more than 60% the senders are directed to their doctor. Signals refer to120 products, indicating that 34% of them are with more than 1 signal. Each author had received feedback within 24 hours, and the average time to complete a case was 32 hours.

The first internet-platform for drug shortage signals was demonstrated on 9th of June 2018 at the Federation of Bulgarian Patient Forum conference. It operates on under a Memorandum of Understanding between BAMPTD and FBPF to achieve a durable solution for medicinal products, expand access to medicines of guaranteed origin and quality from the European Union, modern methods of early detection of shortages, etc.

"We are proud that we have been working for more than a quarter on the two-year priorities of the EU Task Force "Towards improving the availability of medicines in the EU" that was recently announced by EMA. Our work is aimed precisely at improving the bilateral communication on drug supply issues with citizens, fostering the cooperation with stakeholders and the public access to clear and useful information about the problems with the availability of medicines and supply disruptions across the EU", says BAMPTD CEO Boryana Marinkova.

A detailed presentation of the results of the platform's work, the multifactorial causes of global shortages and the opportunities for parallel import for missing and deficient medicines in Bulgaria and the European Union will be the topic of the forthcoming Round Table organized by BAMPTD under the aegis of the European Association of Euro-pharmaceutical companies (EAEPC) on 18 September 2018 in Sofia. EAEPC brings together more than 100 companies from 24 countries across Europe and is the European Commission's regulated partner for the parallel distribution of medicines in the EU. In order to discuss the possibilities for facilitated intra-community supplies of medicines, all the competent institutions in Bulgaria are invited to the Round Table "Parallel import encouragement". The EAEPC management will share an overview report on "Good EU practices and benefits to society from promoting parallel imports". A designated declaration will unite the participants on their readiness to search for effective market solutions to overcome temporary and lasting drug shortages in Bulgaria.

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